I'm a web developer based in Toronto with a passion for writing well documented code.

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👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

Full-Stack Developer

Hatchways (YC S19), Toronto – (Mar 2021 - Present)

Built internal tools and features to help the company find high-quality candidates, and help reviewers review Pull Requests faster and more consistently. Also worked on developing comprehensive documentation for the company in general and for some projects in particular. Worked with candidates on the customer side, assessing the skills of over 400 candidates in areas such as debugging, best practices and consistency with React, JavaScript, TypeScript and Python.

Freelance Developer

Independent, Toronto – (Oct 2020 - Mar 2021)

Developed professional looking websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Registered Massage Therapist

AH Massage Clinic, Swansea Massage Clinic, Toronto – (Sep 2018 - Oct 2020)

Self-employed as a massage therapist, helping hundreds of clients alleviate a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.

Ontological Coach

Buenos Aires, Argentina – (Dec 2012 - Dec 2015)

Helped clients identify and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Coaching Supervisor

Escuela Argentina the Coaching & PNL Argentina – (Mar 2012 - Dec 2012)